Courtesy Call to Riga Technical University

9th of October, we made a courtesy call to Riga Technical University.
This courtesy call was proceeded in accordance with our vision, “Pax Japonica” which signifies “Enhanced application of advanced technologies to social realities with public engagement”.
We and the rector of Riga Technical University got met at the UN headquarter in the meeting “Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs (STI Forum)” this May.
Our presentation of our research which has been conducted between RIJAG and University of Tokyo at the forum made RIJAG and Riga Technical University started discussion of future collaboration.
We regard this future collaboration as one of important projects which make “Pax Japonica” closer to be realized, as a lot of attention has been paid to this project by the EU Innovation Council as well.
This discussion will be discussed more so that we can escalate high level.

1.Date:9th of October 11:30 to 12:30
2.Place:Riga Technical University (Latvia)
3.Tālis Juhna・the Rector from Riga Technical University
Gatis Bazbauers・the Vice Rector from Riga Technical University
Alise Pizika・Science Innovation Centre from Riga Technical University
Brigita Dejus・Senior Researcher from Riga Technical University
4.Shugo Iwasaki・Special Envoy for Collaboration with the United Nations from our institute
Shugo Iwasaki, Social Contribution Projects