Compassion for Social Inclusion

On 11th of this November, our institute held consecutive sessions entitled “Compassion for Social Inclusion”. In this session, issues about anti-social group and its social inclusion were discussed with our client and a lecturer, Noboru Hirosue who is specialized in research related with Yakuza.
“Social Inclusion” was prevailed after “Social Exclusion” which originally gained attention during 1970s in France. The world went through oil shock twice during this time and economy was getting worse as well. Some people in France were socially excluded, such as loss of jobs. I shall try to break down three sessions with the phases of “social exclusion”.
Firstly, “poverty” explains how resources is taken, as most of people can easily imagine. On the other hand, “Social Inclusion” explains that how the lacks of resources makes a person or group isolated in their society.
As a perspective of “Poverty”, Professor Yasuhiko Murakami explained who the community in Nishinari arena realize happiness.
In terms of isolation in Japanese society, the second session (religious group) and third sessions (anti-society) explain how they are isolated and how society should socially include in the future.
Through the above sessions, it came to realize that participants did not know the issues for each topic and there is need to work on in order to consider what our society needs to be.
We will submit a statement towards not only Japanese society, but also the global society, sch as the UN.
We will report more as the above is proceeded.
Social Contribution Project
Shugo Iwasaki