8th STI for SDGs Forum in NY UNHQ

“8th Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals” took place on from 3rd to 4th on this May.
This STI Forum was held under the theme of “Science, technology and innovation for building back better from COVID-19 while advancing the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at all levels”.
The STI forum gathered all related stakeholders, such as policy makers, International Organizations, and NGOs.
We had two purposes to attend the STI forum.
Firstly, we aimed to enhance our presence in international arena. Especially, there was smaller number form Japan to attend, compared with other states. In addition to the presence, we planned to prevail our activity related with STI as well since we have been working on collaborative research with University of Tokyo for enforcing “Pax Japonica” by implementing our society.
It was meaningful in the sense that we could successfully raise our voice and touched upon our collaborative research in front of delegations in the forum.
We surely will commit to the movement of STI and continue to take a bold setp forwards “Pax Japonica”.
We will surely enforce our project and realize our vision “Pax japonica” through this movement.