New YouTube program has just get started from April 13th, 2022! ―Let’s talk about “PAX JAPONICA”

What is PAX JAPONICA? You may have once heard “Pax Americana” or “Pax Romana”, but “PAX JAPONICA” sounds quite new even for the ordinary people in Japan.
Mr. Takeo Harada, CEO and Representative of the IISIA, published a book entitled with this concept from Lidpublishing (London, UK) in 2017, and is continuously trying to figure out what it is and should be for the entire global community.
As we all know, in the past years, Japan is facing various social and economic problems together with the lasting turmoil of her domestic issues. Having viewed such a reality, do we really need to discuss the possibility whether “Pax Japonica” is about to be realized?
“While the mainstream of western mass media is still reluctant to mention, the global leadership has been already fully aware of the accelerated development to “Pax Japonica” and gets ready to adapt itself to it”, Mr. Takeo Harada says.
Should we think “PAX JAPONICA” to be the future reality? If yes, how can it happen? How will it totally differ from Japan’s failed effort in the past to lead the nations?
Check this program to find the answers and get a deep insight into Pax Japonica together. Look forward to hearing from your comments and questions. Stay tuned.