Courtesy call on Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Tokyo

On 1st of December, our institute visited Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Tokyo for Courtesy call in order to discuss various levels of corporation.

(Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Tokyo)
Saudi Arabia was working on “Saudi Vision 2030”to enforce economy without oil in the future.
Regards to bilateral talk between Japan and Saudi Arabia, “Japan-Sudi vision 2030” was launched with the expectation of synergy for each state.
In the context of the above bilateral talk, our institute made a Courtesy call for exchanging our views of our vision “Pax Japonica” focusing on social implementation and received affirmation as well.
In addition to the social implementation, our institute has been working on Water issue in accordance as a member of World Water Council.
Saudi Arabia highly values water issues in that sense that water is domestically scarce. Our institute has a member of World Water Council and working with the team for the 10th World Water Forum in 2024.
We confirmed the future corporation in various levels related with Japan-Saudi Vision 2030, such water and artificial intelligence.

(Source : Drishtikone)
We will participate in COP 28 held in UAE from 9th to 10th of December and report on site.
Social Contribution Project, Shugo IWASAKI