Compassion for Social Inclusion #1 “Poverty”

There has been a lot of attention paid to the issues of religion and its impact on Japanese society. Japanese politicians say they’re cutting ties with the controversial former Unification Church after its influence came to light with the July murder of former Prime Minister Abe Shinzo.
As we, IISIA has been conducting consecutive conferences, entitled “Compassion for Social Inclusion”,which focusing on the field which requires social inclusion in Japan.
As a first session of this project, the issue of poverty in Nishinari area was put forward by Yasuhiko Murakami, Osaka University, Department of Human Sciences On 20th of May. He explained how people manage to deal with their lives in relatively poor areas from a perspective of his field work in Osaka.

On 30th of this September, the issue of religious will be proposed by Mami Sakane, who could successfully leave “Jehovah’s Witnesses”.
She will explain the process of leaving and how society should be included socially in Japan.
We look forward to report how it goes and will simultaneously report to global society.
Social Contribution Project